
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2023-10-03

納米比亞當地時(shí)間9月26日晚,中廣核鈾業(yè)斯科有限公司在納米比亞首都溫得和克舉辦2022年可持續發(fā)展報告發(fā)布會(huì ),這是斯科公司連續第四年發(fā)布可持續發(fā)展報告,新華社對此進(jìn)行了聚焦報道。



報告會(huì )以“生產(chǎn)清潔能源,推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,保護自然環(huán)境”為主題,全面闡述了過(guò)去一年企業(yè)在納經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )、環(huán)境的可持續發(fā)展方面的行動(dòng)和貢獻,主要內容涉及企業(yè)治理與運營(yíng)、人才培養、社會(huì )責任、生態(tài)保護等方面所取得的成績(jì)和面臨的挑戰,展現了中國礦企在納以負責、高效的方式開(kāi)采鈾,從而為清潔能源生產(chǎn)做出貢獻,并為所有的利益相關(guān)者創(chuàng )造長(cháng)期效益。



新華財經(jīng)溫得和克9月27日電(記者陳誠 李卓群)當地時(shí)間26日晚,中廣核鈾業(yè)斯科有限公司(斯科)在納米比亞首都溫得和克正式發(fā)布《2022可持續發(fā)展報告》,全面闡述過(guò)去一年企業(yè)在納經(jīng)濟、環(huán)境和社會(huì )可持續發(fā)展方面的行動(dòng)和貢獻。納米比亞環(huán)境、林業(yè)與旅游部長(cháng)波漢巴·希菲塔,中國駐納大使趙衛平,中國廣核集團有限公司副總經(jīng)理施兵等中納雙方政府官員及企業(yè)代表參加本次發(fā)布會(huì )。


波漢巴·希菲塔在發(fā)布會(huì )現場(chǎng)說(shuō),斯科采取的綠色環(huán)保措施,包括在礦區建立的太陽(yáng)能發(fā)電廠(chǎng)、通過(guò)創(chuàng )新技術(shù)解決了部分用水難題、在生物多樣性的保護和監測等方面給他留下了深刻印象。他感謝斯科公司把環(huán)境問(wèn)題放在首位,并表示作為監管者,將盡自己的一份力量,為子孫后代創(chuàng )造更加綠色的明天。


趙衛平大使在講話(huà)中肯定了斯科公司秉持的可持續發(fā)展理念,在實(shí)現公司自身高質(zhì)量發(fā)展的同時(shí),積極承擔企業(yè)社會(huì )責任,在人才培養、環(huán)境保護、扶危濟困等多個(gè)方面開(kāi)展了一系列卓有成效的工作,是在納中國企業(yè)的優(yōu)秀標桿。據悉,斯科公司湖山鈾礦是中廣核自主投資、建設和管理運行的特大型鈾礦,項目的投資規模達到50億美元,是中國在非洲最大的實(shí)體投資項目。


WINDHOEK, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Swakop Uranium, a subsidiary of China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), on Tuesday published a sustainability report regarding the 2022 performance of its Husab Mine in Namibia in the capital of Windhoek.

The report revealed the company's performance and practices in the southern African country, and highlighted official statistics and undertakings of social responsibilities.

Speaking in a keynote address, Namibian Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism Pohamba Shifeta commended the company for its remarkable efforts to conserve and preserve biodiversity in its exclusive prospecting licenses, while contributing to the prosperity of Namibia.

"It is worth noting that the theme of the report is heavily linked to the environmental preservation efforts of the Husab Mine, which is producing clean energy, fuelling the environment, and preserving the environment," he said, adding that the three actions are intricately linked, and the aim is to balance the three to minimize any negative impact on the environment.


During the event, Shi Bing, vice president of CGN, emphasized the company's commitment to clean energy, which has always been its core mission. "CGN aims to meet society's increasing need for clean, safe, and sustainable energy."

"To achieve this objective, CGN has been guided by the principles of safety, green practices, and responsibility in its pursuit of sustainable development. It has built a solid foundation of safe and reliable operations, promoted the environmentally friendly aspects of nuclear energy, and established a corporate philosophy rooted in responsibility," he said.

According to the report which covered the period from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, the Husab Mine injected more than 3.2 billion Namibian dollars (about 215 million U.S. dollars) into the local economy through local procurement, tax and royalties, employee salaries, and benefits as well as social investments.

"Strong corporate governance, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship are essential aspects that we have adopted to make the company more responsible," said Qiu Bin, chief executive officer of Swakop Uranium.